As someone who has been in or around the network marketing industry for years and years I find that people pretty much ask the same questions over and over. There isn't a whole lot of variety really. However, some of the most commonly asked questions are the ones that many network marketers answer poorly for some reason. And to be honest this is a huge mistake. So if you do anything for your business find out the questions that you are getting asked the most and get good solid answers for them that make sense for your business. Because the last thing you want to do is go stumbling over a question that is seemingly very simple.
A very common question is "can you promise me I'll make money online?"
This is a pretty darn reasonable question. After all nobody wants to feel like they've been scammed or ripped off. And this is especially true in today's economy. Many people are joining home based businesses because they need to MAKE more money and the last thing they need is to end up losing more of it.
Whenever someone asks me this question this is what I tell them...
First of all I never promise anyone that they personally will make money. This is because I don't know if that person is going to work at all. What I WILL promise them is that the business works for every single person who works for it. You would be totally and completely shocked at the amount of people who will join a business... never talk to a single prospect and then get mad when they aren't making any money.
All businesses require some effort on your part so if you're not willing to work for it you're not going to make anything. However, If you DO put in the time and really learn how to market your business strongly you won't be able to stop yourself from making money.