Make Friends With Your Inner Critic and You Will Discover a Greater You

We all have this inner voice that often keeps us from making changes. Sometimes it is a fear of failure and sometimes it is a fear of success. It could be holding us back from starting a new home-based business, meeting new challenges or learning new skills. Often our inner critic drains our energy, creating self-doubt and low self-esteem. The inner critic is like an overprotective mom who wants the best for us but holds us back in the process.

Look at the following scenarios and see if you identify with them:

1. You are about to interview a potential team member and offer your business opportunity, when in the back of your mind you hear a voice that says, "They are already successful in their current career, why even bother?"

2. You have just started to phone and invite friends and relatives to a presentation when the inner voice says, "Your friends are already busy with their lives. You will just make them feel obligated and uncomfortable."

3. You have built a successful business and you are ready to leave your day job when you hear, "That is way too risky; you will never make it in this economy!"

This inner voice that puts a damper on your good ideas has you doubting yourself. It is a voice that is with us throughout our every day.It tells us who we are and how we are doing, and defines and interprets our every experience. It works very hard to get us to accept its interpretations as our reality.

Become A Leader and View Your Inner Critic in a Positive Way

To become a leader you must practice noticing when the inner critic shows up for you; which events trigger its arrival. Recognize how it makes you feel and how it influences your decisions to go forward or to pull back from what you truly want. Once you have observed your own inner voice, begin to recognize when the inner voice shows up for your team members. Watch them as they conduct their first business opportunity presentation; their inner critic is probably right there!

As a good leader, it is important to be able to identify the arrival of the inner critic and help your team member to understand how to deal with it. By sharing your understanding with your team member, you will be able to support them in observing and moving past the fears and doubts created by this inner voice.

Your success and the success of your team are determined by your ability to transform the inner critic from foe to friend. These six steps will help you learn how to do this.

1. List three messages you hear frequently from your inner voice and describe how these messages make your feel.

2. Personify the inner voice through naming, drawing or describing.

3. Choose your responses carefully. Choose to disconnect from the inner critic so you can distinguish fact from illusion.

4. Affirm you true strengths, accomplishments and qualities to reprogram the inner voice's negative messages into positive affirming messages.

5. Have a meaningful dialogue with your inner voice to understand it and create a healthy relationship with it; one that supports your reaching your potential.

6. Be the observer; do not judge. Become proactive rather than reactive.

Practice these steps and you will begin to develop a more lighthearted relationship with your inner critic. Take responsibility for responding to it in the way that serves you best. You will gradually notice the inner voice quiet down and you will recognize that you are safe and capable of taking care of yourself!

I am a firm believer in maintaining an active lifestyle. There are no magic bullets to good health. Eating the right foods, getting plenty of exercise and of course spending quality time with loved ones. I have been truly blessed with many people in my life. Understanding myself and building relationships is rewarding in so many ways.

Why Ideas For Selling Make a Huge Difference

You can talk all day about theories but I prefer practical real life stuff and when it comes to ideas for selling there are several times in my life when I have seen them make the difference between failure and success in a business. I have seen small and medium sized enterprises lifted from failure and bankruptcy by a single selling idea.

Actually I call them selling systems and I firmly believe that to succeed in business every entrepreneur needs a selling system that works. Why have an accounting system and a production system and a system for everything else except a system for the most important thing in your business-selling whatever it is that you sell?

Anyway it does not really matter what I want to call it or what you want to refer to it us, the bottom line is that we both understand what we are talking about here. And even more important that we grasp the power that ideas for selling have when it comes to bringing dead businesses back to life.

The first time I witnessed he power of ideas for selling or a selling system at work was some years back when I completed developing a brilliant product in the form of a small magazine. The response from my readers was enthusiastic and I was sure that I had a winner. But there was a problem. I was having difficulties selling my mass market woman's magazine. I developed a miniature version of the magazine where I printed the headlines of my articles and a summary of what my stories were all about and I gave it out free to my prospects. The response was instantaneous and I immediately started selling like hot cakes. At the peak of it all I was doing $800 worth of magazine sales daily. This was in sharp contrast to a few short days before when I would easily go through a whole day without making a single sale.

From then on I have witnessed as well as taken active part in many situations where ideas for selling have dramatically changed the situation on the ground and rescued numerous small businesses from the jaws of certain death and bankruptcy.

Let me describe the simplest and yet most effective idea for selling (selling system) I have ever seen in action. You too may have seen it in practice because I have witnessed it being used on two different continents that are miles apart. On a hot day when temperatures are high, a lemonade stand gives all passersby a free taste of their cool drink which under the circumstances is almost irresistible. It would seem that the lemonade stand is wasting valuable lemonade that it would have otherwise sold. The truth is that this selling system tempts many passersby who would have otherwise not stopped to make a purchase to buy. Some take advantage of the free sample and walk away without buying but at the end of the day the lemonade given free is but a small fraction and a tiny part of the total costs from the huge revenue made from lots of sales. Sales that would never have happened without the brilliant selling idea of giving away free samples.

Top 7 Marketing Mistakes New Consultants Make

Becoming self-employed can be liberating, exhilarating, frustrating and terrifying. Often all at the same time. Most entrepreneurs I meet know they need to be doing marketing. They just often lack a clear sense of what marketing is, or they have no idea where to start. Here are the seven most common mistakes I see new business owners making with their marketing (and how to fix them):

1. They don't do any - New consultants tend to focus their attention on the skill they offer their clients. Usually they are very talented at that skill, they're just not talented at talking with people about it, or explaining how it will help others. If you aren't doing any marketing don't be surprised if the world does not beat a path to your door. People won't know you're out there if they never hear about you.

2. They market inconsistently - Although it's better than not doing any, marketing in a hit-or-miss manner is not a recipe for success. Massive brands like Coke and McDonalds didn't get that way by approaching their marketing as an afterthought. Without consistent effort it is difficult to stay top-of-mind.

3. They have no plan - It takes a plan to identify the best opportunities and timing to reach your ideal customer. Drafting an annual marketing plan forces you to identify your goals, target audience, geographic market, key messages and the tactics you will use to spread the word. Don't skip this step.

4. They fail to delegate it - As a business owner you wear many hats but it doesn't mean you have to do it all yourself. There are lots of administrative assistants, virtual assistants and interns who can take many of the basic tasks of marketing off your plate, freeing you to focus on serving customers and selling.

5. They fail to fund it - While some tactics like social media require only time and no money, other marketing initiatives do require funds. Take a look at your expected revenues and determine an appropriate amount to invest. By seeing your budget as a whole you can better invest those dollars wisely.

6. They see it as an expense and not an investment - When done correctly, marketing is an investment, not an expense. It's not like your rent which flows out every month never to be seen again. The dollars you spend finding the right people and letting them know about you should flow back to you in the form of new business.

7. They expect immediate results - Marketing is both an art and a science. There is no one silver bullet that will completely provide you with all the business you could ever want. It takes time for your target customer to feel ready to buy, so commit to a long-term view to get the best results in marketing your consulting business.

Why a Job is Like a Pyramid Scheme You Can't Get to the Top Of

Whenever you talk to someone about a home based business it is inevitable that someone will bring up the idea of it being a "pyramid scheme". But what they probably aren't thinking about is that just about every job in America is actually structured like a pyramid. Think about it. Don't you have a boss? And your boss probably has a boss... and your bosses boss might even have a boss. So it really is exactly the same thing. All those people at the top make money based on the efforts of the people below them, just like a pyramid.

The only difference between that and network marketing is that with network marketing everyone has the same ability to make the same amount of money as everyone else. Everybody comes into the business at the same exact level and it's all about what you make of it that determines how high up you go. With a job no matter how hard you work or how much you want it there is very little chance that you will ever make it to the top of the pyramid or even close!

Sure you might get a promotion or two but the fact of the matter is that in a traditional business there is really only enough room for a few small select group of people. Where in network marketing the sky is the limit and as many people can be at the top as possible. Simply put a network marketing opportunity allows you to climb as high as you want as fast and you want and pretty much no job can ever promise you that.

Improve Your Earnings With Internet Income

Are you looking for a way to get some extra income? Finding a second job can be difficult and typically makes juggling your other priorities all the more difficult. That's why more and more people are turning to online jobs. Internet income can be quite substantial, and the most appealing thing about working online is that you can do it anywhere, and you set your own schedule. All you need is a computer and internet connection. Enjoy looking after your kids, pets, or other commitments while you make money online.

One of the main ways people earn income online is by running their own businesses. They use the internet to conduct sales and promote their company. If you maximize your site's visibility using search engine optimization (SEO), people will get to your site before your competition. This can be enormously helpful in improving your sales.

If you start an online business, you also have to make sure you have a high quality product and a good price. The content of your website should lay out precisely how your product and/or price is superior to others on the market.

Additionally, there are numerous online writing jobs. You can work as a freelance writer and write articles covering all kinds of topics. All you need is a natural, clear writing style and good organization. Then you can be on your way, writing about sports, technology, foreign countries, real estate or whatever else you have an interest in.

Another popular internet job is online affiliate marketing. You find a product you're interested in, start a website, and promote the product. You can go directly to a company you're already interested in and make inquiries about affiliate work. Or you can sign up with any number of sites like Sharesale, eBay, Paydotcome, Likeshare and Amazon, where you'll choose a product and devote a website to it.

If you decide to get an internet job, be sure to stay out of trouble by avoiding the promotion of services and products which are illegal where you live. It's your responsibility to know about what you're being asked to promote and if it's legal or not.

It's also crucial to check up on any service you're considering working for. Look around on online forums to see if they've been involved in scandals or schemes, or if their feedback has been positive. You will also want to consider the method and frequency of payment that would be best for you. Before you take a job, see how they pay people. Is it by check? Is it done electronically? And make sure you know how often you will be paid. It could be monthly, every two weeks, every week, or sporadically. So it's important to know your own payment preferences and see which jobs will accommodate them.

Six Steps to Launch Your Project Over the Horizon

In business most ideas that never make it to completion die in the execution phase. Often this is because a simple plan was not in place from the beginning to insure that the pace of the project stays on track with the projected purpose and milestones. Below are six concrete steps that will help you define a project, evaluate if it is in alignment with your purpose and viable to succeed, define who needs to be involved and the risk at play, and what the measurable outcome will be.

Six Steps to Project Management Success

1. Develop a Solid Business Case and Create a Project Definition Form: Ensure that your project is in alignment with the mission of the company, the agenda of your department and has support of the senior management team. Involve finance experts when putting together the case. Recognize early what is driving the project - safety?, quality?, productivity?, cost? human development? etc. You may need to do a Risk Analysis, listing potential risks, rating them at high-medium-low and who will be responsible for managing that risk. The Business Case Form will include: Background to the Project, General aims(s), Initial Risks, Expected Outcomes, Benefits of the Project, Initial Estimates of Cost and Time. This Case may also be used to create a Project Definition Form for easy access to all responsible parties.

2. Write a Project Definition Statement: Create this as part of your Business Case to prevent "creep"ing away from the purpose. Circulate this to those who do not need the detail of the Business Case.

3. Do a Stakeholder Analysis to Create Your Team: Define each stakeholder, their interest in the project, what the projects needs from them, perceived attitudes and/or risks, and actions you need them to take.

4. Define Project Responsibilities: Make a list of the tasks/responsibilities then assign which stakeholder will lead each one.

5. Create a Milestones Chart: List each milestone to be accomplished, who is responsible for it and suitable units of measure whether it is days/weeks/months/years.

6. Create a Project Management Report: This report will track the progress of the project and head off derailment. It holds a list of the deliverables from the Milestones Chart, a due date for each, a rating for each (ie: Red Flag - off plan, Yellow - will soon be off plan, Green - on plan or better), and action to be taken to bring the plan back on schedule. This is a key document to the success of the project. A schedule of when this Project Management Report is due and analyzed should be set up ahead of time.

MakeCash and What It's All About

The website for Time2MakeCash is designed to serve as an introduction to an MLM program under CieAura which is company known for developing transparent holographic chips. These so called holographic chips are believed to be capable of assisting our bodies in relieving blockages that sap our energy and maintain a healthy balance of body meridians. They are relatively easy to use and all you have to do is put them on the desired area of your body. There are five kinds of transparent holographic chips that can be purchased which include the CX2, EMF, Pure Energy, Pure Relief and Rest Quiet. Back to Time2MakeCash though, is this a viable business opportunity? Let's go ahead and take a look.

Involving yourself with this particular business opportunity revolves around being an independent distributor for the product mentioned above. You'll need to complete the online application and buy a business center in order to get started.

There are a couple of ways in which you could generate an income under Time2MakeCash. The first way is to generate profits by enrolling your desired customers which will enable you to earn a 50 percent commission of the normal thirty CSV. Second is profits generated through retail which depends on the price you set on the products. Another way is to generate profits through first order commissions. What this actually means is that you are able to generate a commission out of the first product that your referred customers had purchased. There are more ways to generate a profit out of Time2MakeCash and this includes Global bonus pools, leadership ranks, benefits and rewards.

In terms of expenses there are a couple of things that you need to consider if you wish to do business with Time2MakeCash. First off is the program's business center which costs $39 and you'll definitely need it to generate sales online. You'll also have to consider the minimum monthly order which varies depending on the pack you purchase. This includes the business pack worth $359.99, the home pack valued at $119.85 and the premium advantage pack which would cost you $1438.20. You have the option to sell these products or have it for your own personal use. Considering the fact that Time2MakeCash is an MLM or network marketing program, you can expect to invest additional funds in campaigns such as web hosting and advertising.