Do you have ANY idea how much money is sitting right in front of you - right under your nose?" What I am talking about is communicating and connecting with your current clients.
"The big shots are only the little shots who keep shooting". - Christopher Morley
There are a few basic, and consistent, things I recommend when working with my new clients who want to build their business. One of the very first things I have them do is to review their current client list. Then, put the clients into 3 different categories:
The "A" List: these are your ideal clients - you like them, they like you - they pay you on time - they give you testimonials and referrals - they're getting the results they want. Keep them close - love them - connect with them regularly.
The "B" List: these are clients who 'could' become an "A" client - they just need some attention - from you!
The "C" List: these are the clients who drain your energy - they don't pay on time, they don't implement whatever you suggest or recommend, they are full of excuses. PUNT THEM! FIRE THEM! Let them go.
OK - now that you've cleaned house, let's talk about ways you can make more money. It takes a lot more time, money and energy to attract new clients than it is to nurture your current client base. Here are some ideas to help you to strengthen the relationships you already have.
Six Ideas for Following Up With Your Clients
Most of you know that I like to keep things simple. It doesn't take much, but it pays dividends, to keep in touch with people - especially the people you like and who pay you for what you do.
Idea #1: Send a 'warm' letter (This is a technique I learned from my mentor, Fabienne.) I'm sure that you have received more than your fair share of those newsy Christmas letters from friends and relatives. I, for one, enjoy them - I like to hear what's going on in the lives of people I care about. The 'warm letter' is the same concept. On a quarterly basis, to begin with, put together a letter to send to everyone you know - everyone! Some of the content can include information on a new product you are launching, details about a program you have attended and how you intend to implement some of what you've learned, a brief testimonial from a client with whom you've worked and the fact you now have openings for 'x' number of new clients, and so on. Ensure this letter has a personal touch, address the person by name, use a different colored envelope - people just don't get 'real' mail anymore. This will help you to stand out in a crowd!
Idea #2: Diarize client's birthdays and send a card. You could use a service such as "Send-Out Cards" - which I highly recommend if you are already 'run off your feet busy'. Those cards are appropriate for a thank you, a client anniversary with you, etc. I, personally, like to choose special cards to send for client's birthdays - I like to get them, so I like to send them! Clients are thrilled (and surprised) to get a birthday card in the mail. (Remember to include 2 of your business cards - one for them, and one for them to give away because they're so impressed with you.)
Idea #3: Pick up the phone! When is the last time YOU got a personal phone call from someone who provides a service to you? Set aside a certain amount of time, perhaps once a month (or more often, depending on the size of your client list) and make a call. "I'm just touching base to see how you're doing, what's working for you, what can I do to further assist/support you, etc.?")
Idea #4: Send a postcard: It is so easy these days to find (or have created) some motivational-type postcards that you can send in the mail. Ensure your contact information is on it. Clients will undoubtedly keep them - and keep them posted in a convenient location. Keep it simple.
Idea #5: Send a copy of an article that is relevant, and will be of interest, to your client(s). Highlight parts of the article that YOU believe would be something they can apply in their business - initial it - add a sticky note saying 'thought this might be of interest to you". Easy-peasy!
Idea #6: Include them in a new product launch! It is a smart business practice to 'market test' something new that you will be launching. Invite your clients to a focus group meeting; or, send them a test-version of the product. Let them know you consider their opinion to be VIP - and you value what they have to say. Get testimonials from them and promote them, where/however you can, to boost their business too.
I know that there is money sitting on the table, right under your nose. It is easier to get repeat business from people who know, like and trust you. Make the time, right now, to reach out and touch your "A" and "B" clients - and watch your business grow. (Be sure to ask for referrals as well!)
1. Review your client list this week and categorize them.
2. Take action on the "C" clients right away - clearing that negative clutter in your database will clear the negative clutter in your mind. Powerful!
3. Schedule the "touch base with client' idea that you selected and get started today.
Put some of these basics in place and I guarantee your business will grow almost immediately. When you reach out and touch and show that you care, you are developing the confidence and courage to move forward and invent the life, and the business, you truly want. You will be much more comfortable and successful in the overall scheme of things.