The Ultimate Guide to Effective Prepaid Legal Lead Generation

Success in the network marketing industry all starts with your ability to generate quality leads. Without great qualified leads your business will never have a chance. The standard training that Prepaid Legal offers it's associates hands out a heavy dose of "traditional" network marketing techniques that can be effective in lead generation if used "persistently and consistently".

The system that PPL leaders like Jeff Olson and Brian Carruthers have created is one of a kind in the MLM industry. Some that do follow their training system to a tee do have success eventually. But even with such an intense training regimen, most Prepaid reps end up failing to reach financial freedom.

Could it be that it is the best that the "old school" methods of MLM can possibly produce? Could there be a better method for Prepaid Legal Lead generation?

Prepaid Legal Inc. has been in business since 1972 and has become a dominant force in the prepay legal industry. There is no other company that offers the same quality of service, and this has helped PPL associates in finding loyal customers and recruits. The company also offers a complementary service named "Identity Theft Shield" to customers, and this has also helped business tremendously.

But it still has not changed the sad statistics that have always been a part of the network marketing industry, Prepaid included.

Most associates enter the network marketing industry with absolutely no experience, knowledge, or skill in sales and marketing. Company leaders are quick to say that success in this business is all about simply exposing friends and family members to company tools such as DVD's and magazines. The business model of "relationship marketing" is what the MLM industry was built on and many companies have done extremely well. But unfortunately, most reps never reach the goal of financial independence.

Success in business can never come for the faint of heart, and building a business with Prepaid is no exception. Entering MLM with absolutely no experience in sales and marketing, new associates don't have a clue as to just how much skill it really takes to succeed. Simply relying on warm contacts to build a business is a gamble that most end up losing.

Business has changed dramatically with technology, and many intelligent marketers are beginning to rethink the old school methods of relationship marketing. Smart marketers are starting to make the transition from the old school methods to what we could consider the "new school".

Enter the new school of "Attraction Marketing".

Some in the MLM industry are beginning to move away from the old days of chasing friends and family, answering ridiculous objections, and endless follow ups. The new marketing mentality is quite the opposite, and the ones that are willing to master the art of attraction marketing will be the future of MLM.