Whenever you talk to someone about a home based business it is inevitable that someone will bring up the idea of it being a "pyramid scheme". But what they probably aren't thinking about is that just about every job in America is actually structured like a pyramid. Think about it. Don't you have a boss? And your boss probably has a boss... and your bosses boss might even have a boss. So it really is exactly the same thing. All those people at the top make money based on the efforts of the people below them, just like a pyramid.
The only difference between that and network marketing is that with network marketing everyone has the same ability to make the same amount of money as everyone else. Everybody comes into the business at the same exact level and it's all about what you make of it that determines how high up you go. With a job no matter how hard you work or how much you want it there is very little chance that you will ever make it to the top of the pyramid or even close!
Sure you might get a promotion or two but the fact of the matter is that in a traditional business there is really only enough room for a few small select group of people. Where in network marketing the sky is the limit and as many people can be at the top as possible. Simply put a network marketing opportunity allows you to climb as high as you want as fast and you want and pretty much no job can ever promise you that.