We all agree that it is not easy to start a new business. Instead of directly doing business activities, beginners are usually stuck with their bustle which distanced themselves to start the actual business activities. They are busy making business cards, choosing fonts or company logo, or thinking about the valuable business concept. This condition sometimes happens until weeks or months without doing the real business.
It is true that to start a business need good preparations. According to Robert Spiegel, author of The Shoestring Entrepreneur's Guide to the Best Home-Based Businesses, prepare a business is like sharpen a pencil. Your business activities are not only about how sharp your pencil, but how you use the sharp pencil for your business success.
If you are experiencing such conditions, there are 10 tips from Robert Spiegel that you need to remember and do:
Make Working List - Put it in a place where you can always see it at anytime. Give it signs and colors that attract attention. The list is a compass that guides you to start your business and run it successfully.
Take Action Quickly - You must imitate how an infant is learning to walk. When he falls, he will always wake-up to try walking again; he is never surrender; he learns to walk with his small steps. You must have those attitudes when you are starting a business. You must immediately take action, although you just do a little, short, and small step. You have to realize your working list. You must be focus, because it will reduce the fear and strangeness that you are facing. The doubt can only be lost by the action.
Get Customers or Clients - If you do not have customers or clients, it means you do not have a business. So, get your first customer or client to start your new business. Serve, care, and satisfy your first customer.
Forget Perfection - You are impossible expecting everything to be perfect when you are running your new business. There are always some problems and obstacles. You do not to worry, because it is usual and reasonable. In this situation, realistic and patience are needed.
Choose Hard Worker Employee - It is very important, in the beginning running your new business, you are surrounded by hard worker people. It will create a passionate environment, so that it will add your spirit and energy to make your business running well.
Talk about Business - You are a businessman and in the business environment. Change your choice of words and language in your life. Talk your company as a business; do not talk it about a business. You must convince yourself that you are running a business. If you do not believe in your business, how you can expect others to believe it. You do not say the words that show you are not serious in business, for example, "I'm trying to start a business"; you must say "This is my business".
Appreciate Yourself - We all like appreciation. It's time to be honest with yourself, every week ask yourself whether you have done something worthy to be appreciated, which is significant effects on the progress of your business. Feel free to celebrate it.
Make All Accountable - You should find business partners, organizations or other business owners who could supervise your new business, directly or indirectly. This step is important, so that you are always motivated to do serious steps in the right track. This step also keeps you on the path of your business goals.
Up to date - Ensure that your business is not obsolete. This is why you are advised do not spend your much time to sharpen your pencil. The more important thing is to do something for your business. In this step, you must be sensitive to the change.
Remember Your Dreams - When your business has started to run, you do not be afraid to come out from your comfort zone. Tell yourself, "Now, I have got my own business. It is time to make my business getting bigger." You can change the goals and create new dreams to refresh your spirit like in the beginning running a new business.