Want to find out the single reason that most people fail at affiliate marketing? You are wrong if you think it's because they do not have an affiliate marketing plan, although failure to plan IS planning to fail!
Do you know that the rate of failure is greater than 95%? Why - few people consider pre-selling vendor products a business. It seems way too easy to achieve huge profits because of the hype surrounding this type of internet activity.
Consider Pre-Selling Vendor Products A True Business
Do you really want to be successful affiliate marketing?
Then make it your BUSINESS, not a hobby to do when you have a little downtime. Devote the time. Get the education. Learn how the business works.
Get serious about your business. Write a business plan that includes the details of how to get from point A (no money and no infrastructure) to point B (generating profit, plenty of internet assets).
The Simplest Way To Get It Done
This is really simple. Use someone else's affiliate marketing plan - one that has created success for many people.
Do the work to find such a quality plan. Where? On internet marketing forums. Forum members are brutally honest about a product's viability. But be cautious - if a plan doesn't work because someone aborted its use too soon, maybe it's the marketer's problem and NOT the blueprint.
Once you find a plan, make it work for you. Do not deviate from proven steps and techniques unless the foundation for the techniques changes. For example, recommended software gets upgraded to improve functioning.