Enterprise Content Management Software

As human beings we are prone to mistakes and errors. To overcome this weakness, wealthy organizations use Enterprise content management software (CMS) for them to have reliable, accurate and less error information.

What is Enterprise content management software (CMS)?

An enterprise content management (ECM) system is focused on manipulating the information (content, documents, details, and records) that is significant with your organization's transactions. It helps manage the organization's unstructured information content then later store and deliver these data from one network to another with its diversity of format and location. Typically works at the enterprise level of the organization.

Benefits of Enterprise Content Management System

ECM technology manages the entire lifecycle of content. It applies the appropriate amount of control, and provides additional support for users in every phase. This means your content is managed during creation, capture, and even storage. ECM systems also offers features such as version control, indexing for search, a content cleansing to minimize risk, metadata, and security. They also contain content services to help distribute, publish, classify and retain, expire, and delete content.

ECMs can also help organizations to enhance communication capabilities and support service offered over Web sites, call centers and extranets.

Some examples of Enterprise CMS

1. Alfresco - has two versions, Alfresco Community and Enterprise Edition. The community edition is a free LGPL licensed open source software while the other edition works on enterprise scale and commercially, open standards. It is a proprietary licensed but still open source. Alfresco provides a high degree of modulation and scalable performance. It also has a file system that is fully compatible with Microsoft Windows and Unix-like operating systems.

2. IBM - it provides scalable repositories and services for content management and business process management. It offers a feature that shortens development time and lowers costs. IBM ECM systems also increase the company's ability to cope up with fast phasing business needs and compliance to customers' requirements.

3. Open Text - helps you to manage and achieve true value from your business content and existing information resources and at the same time, linking it with your people and business practice and processes. It also offers functionality for the integration of content and business systems from Microsoft, Oracle Corporation and SAP. Through Open Text, you can get more value by relating them with business processes.

4. OnBase Hyland - its primary feature is the integration of document management and workflow application that can manage and optimize complicated business procedures. Moreover, it also allows users to pick from particular items they would like in a package.

5. Interwoven INC - it provides devoted document management, records management, and collaboration support. Thus, making it a good choice for the improvement of employee document collaboration. It also offers strong web content management and digital asset management applications for addressing changing content needs.