Four Actions You Absolutely Have to Take to Make Money Online

I think about it a lot. Making money online, that is. Partly because that's what I do (earn an income from my online business) and partly because I'm always wondering how I can do it better. How can I work smarter? How can you? And then I ask myself, what is the absolute, absolute basic minimum that needs to be done?

I don't know about you, but here's my take: four actions that you absolutely have to carry out to make money online, no ifs or buts.

And don't tell me they're obvious. If they were, why wouldn't everyone be dot com millionaires?

First - Provide Something Of Real Value. It could be an info product; it might be a blog; it could be stunning photography; it might be the world's fastest acting cat flea powder. Whatever - it needs to be molten good. And look, don't stop there. Keep on doing it. Become skilful. Aim to be the best. Even, the best of the best. (Believe me, the pressure will be on you to be mediocre. Resist at all costs.) And, look, while you're providing S.O.R.V (Something Of Real Value) make sure you tell people about it. Blog about what you're doing. Upload a video. Hit Facebook. Share the excitement. S.O.R.V doesn't happen everyday.

Second - Shout about it. Tell people. You've made S.O.R.V - now's the time to show how it solves problems and helps people. Ask people to try it out. Get testimonials. If it's good, they'll want to blog about it to.

We've all heard the old adage, "Build it and they will come." But a super smart marketer gave it a real spin when he said, "Build it - tell people about it - and they will come."

What do you think Digg and Stumble and Twitter are for? Finger exercise?

Third - Get people to do something. Yes, the "call to action". My best advice at this stage is NOT to sell. Not yet. No way - it's too soon. Too hard. Make the call to action an easy one. After all, would you rather be shouted at to get out of bed NOW? Or be told, "It's OK, just reach out and press the snooze button; you can get up later?"

So I make the call to action an easy to find opt-in box, or a sign up form. Anything that allows you to talk to someone again and again about your product. That wants to be their product.

Fourth - and, you know, this is the demanding part - Do it again, and again, and again! And keep doing it. As they say, rinse and repeat.

And this part is frustrating. I've lost count of the times that someone has wanted to know how to make money online quickly. (Notice I didn't title this article, "Four Actions You Absolutely Have To Take To Make Money Online Quickly" because I don't believe it.)

Success takes time. In fact, success demands your time. But, isn't it worth it?

Big Internet Marketing Problems and Solutions

Since Internet marketing first appeared, a lot of polemics have been wondering around. People were afraid of using it at the beginning. This is due to the fact that an online shopping means sending your money to someone you don't even see. The lack of face to face communication is one of the biggest issues Internet marketing has.

Face to face communication is part of our life. Internet users decide not to use the services of marketing online because they can't see who they are dealing with. This is a big problem online marketers have because it lowers the number of customers for their businesses. The solution stands in a new type of online technique; that is, the video marketing.

The video has two components: one of them is using the camera so that the possible customer can see the person, talks to him and asks him questions. The other component is based on the adding of videos on the website; these videos contain short films describing every item. People can see easier its characteristics and the actual way the item looks, in its real dimensions. A simple photograph is not useful in such cases because internet users are used to doing the traditional shopping.

The traditional shopping gives the possible customer the opportunity to touch the item, feel its fabric and see its characteristics; this is very important in the process of taking the decision whether or not to buy the item. So, video marketing is the solution internet marketers found for this problem.

Whether or not an online business is profitable is one other big problem. Competition is fierce on the internet, because there are many internet marketers, but it could be even more than that. Competition is good for an Internet marketer because it brings along an improvement of the services they provide as well as the improvement of the items. Many people think at the prospect of having an online business but are afraid of the fact that it will be a loss of time as it is not profitable.

In fact, there are online marketers who make six figures profits. You can be one of them as long as you work with a lot of patience and perseverance, as internet marketing can be very profitable. Even though you don't get to be one of those who win six figures out of this kind of business, it is still worth the try as you don't need to invest a lot in it. Some online salesmen don't invest at all in the launch of the business because they do the entire job by themselves, starting with the website design and finishing with the advertising.

Among the problems of selling online is that advertising occupies a place. Some internet marketers know how to make the website but have no idea on how to make it known to them. The problem can be easily solved by hiring an affiliate marketing company to help you. They are not expensive if you think of the profits they help you make.

Can Online Change Management Training Benefit a Company?

The internet has certainly increased the way in which people approach education. In the past, the only way to attend a formal course of study was to physically visit a particular learning center. While this process has certainly not disappeared, it is now joined by various alternative processes for learning. One such method is online distance learning and for many companies, the ability to enroll employees in online change management training is a huge help.

Really, any process that can help expand the knowledge base and skills of the employees can prove quite helpful. This would be true not only of change management training but also of p3o training and business analysis training. Most companies, however, will be centering on change management training since it is so vital to the future success of a company. A company that does not have adaptable or flexible employees is doomed to suffer in a changing environment. That is why effective training programs are so very necessary to institute.

As much as most companies would wish otherwise, there are time constraints and limitations regarding what can be done in the office. Because of this it becomes necessary to look towards alternate means of training in order to arrive at a successful educational process. This is where an online distance learning procedure comes into play. By instituting long distance training, employees can casually learn the material at their own pace. This, in turn, can improve office functions immensely. Additionally, online change management training can prove less costly which is another helpful benefit that companies should never overlook.

Captivate Your Audience by Asking Inspiring Questions From the Heart

We all want to inspire people to greater success. To do this we must ask questions that tap into their wisdom and sources of natural talent. This is one of the best ways to move a low-income team member to a higher level of business activity.

Inspiring questions come from the heart. How you view the capabilities of your team members will have a huge impact on your ability to support and lead.

You need to discover the right way to build your team member's business based on their strengths and skills. You have two choices when it comes to leading your team members to success.

1. You can constantly remind them what they need do next to build their business.
2. Your team members are resourceful and complete people. You can trust they have the resources within them to find the best way to build their business. Your role then is to find out what they need from you in order to reach their final potential.

The philosophy expressed in the first statement is based on control and command, whereas the second is based on service. You will find that if you choose to serve your team members instead of command them, you will discover your ability to inspire them.

Awaken Your Inner Wisdom

When you have shifted from directing team members to serving them, the types of questions you ask will change from closed to open-minded.

1. A close question: This requires only a Yes or No response; for example: "Have you followed up with your prospects this week?". The answer can only be Yes or No, and your team member might feel they have to justify themselves if they have not.

2. An open-ended question: This will encourage your team member to come up with their own creative answer; for example, "How are you doing with your prospects that you met last week?". An open-ended questions usually begins with "What, How, or What if".

As your leadership skills improve, you will ask more and more open-ended questions that help others tap into their inner wisdom. Here are some empowering questions to consider;

1. What is the vision you have for how you would most love to live your life?
2. How does building your business support that vision?
3. What inspires you about your business.
4. What might be the fear that stops you from becoming a top performer?
5. What will you do differently the next time you encounter an obstacle?

When you encourage a team member to find their own answers, they are more likely to implement the ideas and follow through, which inevitably leads to greater success. Encouraging team members to access their own wisdom frees you from feeling as though you must have the answer when they encounter a challenge. When you serve team members in this way they soon see you as a support rather than a crutch. They will then begin to take responsibilities for their won actions and the results they are creating. And all of this enables you to enjoy your role as a coach at a deeper, more significant level.

Over the next few days take these steps for a shift toward service and inspiring leadership:

1. Evaluate your personal philosophy. Make sure it is coming from a place of service.
2. Always think first about your team members. Identify the great qualities each member is not seeing in themselves.
3. Practice asking you team members open-ended questions that help them identify these qualities and tap into their own wisdom and talents.

I am a firm believer in maintaining an active lifestyle. There are no magic bullets to good health. Eating the right foods, getting plenty of exercise and of course spending quality time with loved ones. I have been truly blessed with many people in my life. Understanding myself and building relationships is rewarding in so many ways.

Disadvantages of Transactional Marketing - Case Study

There are disadvantages to transactional marketing. I would like to cover a few of them with a short case study of my own. Maybe these will ring true with some of your recent purchases as well.

I recently purchased a new vehicle. It is a beautiful new Chevy Avalanche. I purchased the vehicle from a local dealer. The transaction went really smooth and quick for me. I probably made some kind of record with the speed at which we went through the paperwork and I got to drive away in my new prize. I dealt with the owner of the dealership and it almost seemed like we connected on some level. It was a magical time for me. I had been building up to this moment for months and chose the exact vehicle before approaching the dealership.

Then it was over. All the joy and anticipation of the deal was gone. Now I had my prize and the excitement of the purchase faded quickly. Not to say that I don't love the truck, just that the build up to getting it was what was now missing.

The strangest part is that now I drive by the dealership and think: "Is there nothing more?" That is the biggest disadvantage with the transactional style of marketing. When the deal is over you lose all the benefit of the relationship you have build with your customer. All of the time and effort you spend building up to a sale, the effort it takes to get the customer to trust you and like you is gone. It is almost a wasted effort.

The repeat business is hampered by not keeping the relationship going. The next time the purchase is needed, you may be back in the long line of providers. The customer will go through the process of shopping around and you will be competing for their business again.