We all want to inspire people to greater success. To do this we must ask questions that tap into their wisdom and sources of natural talent. This is one of the best ways to move a low-income team member to a higher level of business activity.
Inspiring questions come from the heart. How you view the capabilities of your team members will have a huge impact on your ability to support and lead.
You need to discover the right way to build your team member's business based on their strengths and skills. You have two choices when it comes to leading your team members to success.
1. You can constantly remind them what they need do next to build their business.
2. Your team members are resourceful and complete people. You can trust they have the resources within them to find the best way to build their business. Your role then is to find out what they need from you in order to reach their final potential.
The philosophy expressed in the first statement is based on control and command, whereas the second is based on service. You will find that if you choose to serve your team members instead of command them, you will discover your ability to inspire them.
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom
When you have shifted from directing team members to serving them, the types of questions you ask will change from closed to open-minded.
1. A close question: This requires only a Yes or No response; for example: "Have you followed up with your prospects this week?". The answer can only be Yes or No, and your team member might feel they have to justify themselves if they have not.
2. An open-ended question: This will encourage your team member to come up with their own creative answer; for example, "How are you doing with your prospects that you met last week?". An open-ended questions usually begins with "What, How, or What if".
As your leadership skills improve, you will ask more and more open-ended questions that help others tap into their inner wisdom. Here are some empowering questions to consider;
1. What is the vision you have for how you would most love to live your life?
2. How does building your business support that vision?
3. What inspires you about your business.
4. What might be the fear that stops you from becoming a top performer?
5. What will you do differently the next time you encounter an obstacle?
When you encourage a team member to find their own answers, they are more likely to implement the ideas and follow through, which inevitably leads to greater success. Encouraging team members to access their own wisdom frees you from feeling as though you must have the answer when they encounter a challenge. When you serve team members in this way they soon see you as a support rather than a crutch. They will then begin to take responsibilities for their won actions and the results they are creating. And all of this enables you to enjoy your role as a coach at a deeper, more significant level.
Over the next few days take these steps for a shift toward service and inspiring leadership:
1. Evaluate your personal philosophy. Make sure it is coming from a place of service.
2. Always think first about your team members. Identify the great qualities each member is not seeing in themselves.
3. Practice asking you team members open-ended questions that help them identify these qualities and tap into their own wisdom and talents.
I am a firm believer in maintaining an active lifestyle. There are no magic bullets to good health. Eating the right foods, getting plenty of exercise and of course spending quality time with loved ones. I have been truly blessed with many people in my life. Understanding myself and building relationships is rewarding in so many ways.