Four Actions You Absolutely Have to Take to Make Money Online

I think about it a lot. Making money online, that is. Partly because that's what I do (earn an income from my online business) and partly because I'm always wondering how I can do it better. How can I work smarter? How can you? And then I ask myself, what is the absolute, absolute basic minimum that needs to be done?

I don't know about you, but here's my take: four actions that you absolutely have to carry out to make money online, no ifs or buts.

And don't tell me they're obvious. If they were, why wouldn't everyone be dot com millionaires?

First - Provide Something Of Real Value. It could be an info product; it might be a blog; it could be stunning photography; it might be the world's fastest acting cat flea powder. Whatever - it needs to be molten good. And look, don't stop there. Keep on doing it. Become skilful. Aim to be the best. Even, the best of the best. (Believe me, the pressure will be on you to be mediocre. Resist at all costs.) And, look, while you're providing S.O.R.V (Something Of Real Value) make sure you tell people about it. Blog about what you're doing. Upload a video. Hit Facebook. Share the excitement. S.O.R.V doesn't happen everyday.

Second - Shout about it. Tell people. You've made S.O.R.V - now's the time to show how it solves problems and helps people. Ask people to try it out. Get testimonials. If it's good, they'll want to blog about it to.

We've all heard the old adage, "Build it and they will come." But a super smart marketer gave it a real spin when he said, "Build it - tell people about it - and they will come."

What do you think Digg and Stumble and Twitter are for? Finger exercise?

Third - Get people to do something. Yes, the "call to action". My best advice at this stage is NOT to sell. Not yet. No way - it's too soon. Too hard. Make the call to action an easy one. After all, would you rather be shouted at to get out of bed NOW? Or be told, "It's OK, just reach out and press the snooze button; you can get up later?"

So I make the call to action an easy to find opt-in box, or a sign up form. Anything that allows you to talk to someone again and again about your product. That wants to be their product.

Fourth - and, you know, this is the demanding part - Do it again, and again, and again! And keep doing it. As they say, rinse and repeat.

And this part is frustrating. I've lost count of the times that someone has wanted to know how to make money online quickly. (Notice I didn't title this article, "Four Actions You Absolutely Have To Take To Make Money Online Quickly" because I don't believe it.)

Success takes time. In fact, success demands your time. But, isn't it worth it?